Photobirder sales
88 Martinez Road
Edgewood NM 87015 USA
Prints and the rights to use images on web sites are available for sale.
Please see our price list for details.
All of the bird photos in the
Complete Photographic Guide to the Birds of the World are available.
Ordering Instructions
When ordering please include
- Bird Name, species number, and photo name (ex. Broad-tailed Hummingbird, 2111, tongue)
- Type of order (print, or web image)
- Quantity
- Your name and mailing address
- A check or money order or paypal payment
If you have any questions about the photos, or wish to place your order via email
(with payment to follow later via snail mail) please send your
messages to Marcus at
Price List
The majority of photos are now high quality scans, or the direct digital image, so we are using a do-it-yourself system.
Simply use the image at your favorite photo developing location and send us a payment for each photograph you use.
Everything is on the honor system so please be considerate if you want to use one of these photographs.
- Print or slide copy of a photograph - $1
- Web Images - $1
Terms of purchase
Slides and prints may be used for any purpose, except they may not be
published without permission. Permission to publish the photos is generally
given freely for academics publishing technical reports or papers in
journals so please ask if you are interested. You are permitted to
make slides from prints for your own personal use, although if you do
so then neither the prints nor any of the slides may be resold.
Purchasing a web image gives you a non-exclusive lifetime
right to use that image on one or more web sites you control. These
web sites may be for personal or commercial use and the only
restriction is that you may not sell the web image to anyone else.
If you desire a use for the bird photos that is not covered above please
contact me and we can work something out.